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Who We Are

Frequent Questions

Is the center licensed?

Yes. The center is licensed by the state and the city. The center was awarded NAEYC Accreditation in September 2007 and reaccredits every 5 years. Our most recent reaccreditation happened in May 2022.

What are the hours of operation, calendar and tuition rates?

The center operates year-round, Monday through Friday from 7am-6pm.

We offer strictly full-time care.

Describe the waiting List:

The center has a waitlist for each classroom. Priority enrollment is offered to teen parents working with the Parenting ProGRESS program. Second priority is offered to siblings of currently enrolled families. Historically, once a space becomes available, ten to fifteen families will be contacted from the waitlist before one takes the space. Your family will be contacted in order of application date, but the first criterion is always age; the space that becomes available will determine the age range called (e.g. young infant, older toddler). This is why there are not numbers assigned to your spot; your child’s age can bump them up or down depending upon the spot available. To be fair, a database is used to pull children of the appropriate age range, always sorted by application date.

The center always encourages families to seek out several options for childcare.
Helpful websites: also

Is the RC4 staff trained in CPR/First Aid?

All staff are certified in both CPR and First Aid.

What kind of security system(s) do you have in place?

The entrance to the daycare is locked and opened via keypad code entry. Each family is assigned an individual code to enter the building. All other persons entering the building must be admitted via a daycare or church staff member. Parents will be asked for a list of alternate persons for both pick up and emergency contacts. Teachers and administration will always check the identification of any unrecognized pick up person before releasing the child. Any changes to the information provided must be put into writing by the child’s parent/guardian.

What are the discipline policies of the daycare?

The teachers utilize positive redirection and problem solving to address discipline issues in the classroom. If a child were to become too aggressive, the child could be removed from the situation, but only to regroup and try to re-enter the class in a more positive fashion.

Does the infant program accommodate breast feeding mothers?

Yes. The classroom has storage for breast milk and communicates with families in regards to the needs of the infant. Prior to enrolling, the center strongly encourages parents to help their child become accustomed to bottle feedings by other adults. This will enable the child to successfully feed while in our care.

Does the center accommodate children with special developmental or medical needs?

Yes. If a child is deemed able to be in a classroom setting, the center can work with the child and family. Historically, the center has worked with children who have language processing issues, motor difficulties, pervasive developmental delays and Autism to name a few. Outside therapists are always welcome and we have space to accommodate therapy sessions. In terms of medical needs, the center has been able to work with children who have severe allergies, hemophilia and other concerns.

Are parents able to visit the classroom?

Parents are always welcome and encouraged to participate in their child’s classroom at any time. Parents are also welcomed to participate in field trips and special events. Additionally, parents are encouraged to join the fundraising or parent engagement committee and become involved with the RC4 Board of Directors, should there be an opening. For regular participation and visitation in the classrooms, parents are required to submit a fingerprint and background check.

Are there any additional fees beyond tuition?

Additional fees are in regards to late payment of tuition or child pick-ups after the center closes at 6pm.

Field trips may also have some additional fees.

Are there any fees for submitting an application to your waitlist?

Yes, we require a $100 non-refundable and non-transferrable fee to process your application. This application may be kept active until your child reaches the age of 5. Please note, this is strictly a fee to process the application and does not guarantee admission into the center.

What is Parenting ProGRESS?

Parenting ProGRESS (Promoting Growth, Responsibility, and Education with Spiritual Support for teen parents) is a unique ministry of the Ravenswood Covenant Church that serves teen parents living in the community. For more information or to volunteer to participate in their mentorship program please send an email to


Thank you for your interest in our program. If you decide to submit your application to the waitlist, you will receive a confirmation email once your information has been added. Please keep this email for your records.

Helpful resources: (re: child care in Chicago),; and (re: developmentally appropriate practice and curriculum for early childhood settings).

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